CNP's Nutrition Education and Outreach Committee is currently running a year-long class series at Club Nova. Last month we did an initial "focus group" session to find out what Club Nova members were interested in. This past Thursday we held our first class introducing members to the benefits of eating locally and shopping at the farmers market. We did a strawberry taste test and made a roasted beet dish (recipes will be available as soon as we get our website up and running). On Saturday, we accompanied a group of Club Nova members to the Farmer's Market for a hands on experience. If you are interested in being involved in future classes or hosting Farmer's Market trips with other groups, please contact the committee chair, Cordon McGee (
Our Board will be meeting next month to elect a new Board of Directors for a 2 year term. If you are interested in becoming a Board Member and have not been in contact with me about it, please send me an e-mail ( The Board of Directors meets twice a year. Some Board members also chair standing committees for the organization.
CNP of North Carolina now has a new IP address-
We hope to have the website up and running soon. If anyone is interested in being involved in website or logo design, please contact the publicity committee chair Aimee Shea (